Evgeniy Chichvarkin became the main character of the week. Hardly had the fever around the Euroset founder weakened, when Mr Chichvarkin himself gave two interviews on the eve of bringing the criminal case against him. In these interviews he spoke about his present life and stated his own opinion about the case, in which he is considered a criminal suspect.

Russian Prosecutor’s General Office received a message from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Great Britain that the Westminster District Court issued letter of caption for Evgeniy Chichvarkin, the former owner of Euroset. In fact, this means the beginning of the extradition procedure, but it’s still not the decision of his extradition. The British authorities could easily shelve the Russian request, but the arguments of the Russian party were considered to be sufficient for starting this procedure. The date of considering the extradition question is still not stated.

At the same time one of the main persons of Euroset’s case concluded the so called justice deal, having totally proved the prosecution’s version. Another two criminal suspects submitted applications for concluding the same deals.

The preliminary investigation of the deal on kidnapping committed by the former Euroset owners is finished.


The Moscow Taganskiy Court registered two actions against Nomos-Bank from Vladimir Nekrasov. In the first one Mr Nekrasov asks to terminate the share security agreement for 50 000 001 Arbat Prestige shares (5% plus 1 share of the company now under the bankruptcy process) and to return him the shares. In the second one he asks to terminate the guarantee contract of this share security agreement.

Sergey Tschebetov, the former director of Sistema-Telecom, who last year purchased 10% of the major Russian bookseller Top-Kniga almost at 290 million rubles, demands nullifying the deal of his purchasing 10% of the company’s shares and returning him the spent money. According to the information from the source close to the company, before the deal was concluded Mr Tschebetov hadn’t had approach to the full management statements of Top-Kniga. The source informs that “only after purchasing the share he found out the he had overpaid: the company turned out to be less effective than it declared”.


Direct Investment Fund Pecta, which in June declared its wish to invest up to 500 million euro in purchasing the Russian consumer sector companies this year, closed its office in Russia. The fund experiences the liquidity difficulties, and its owners decided to concentrate on their home investment projects in Eastern Europe. Earlier the investment fund hoped to repurchase the overcredited Russian assets among the retail networks, product and pharmaceutical producers at a profitable price.


Russian retailers are again optimistic. On Thursday the Russian product discounter network Magnit informed that they were to place additional emission a 11 154 million shares at public subscription. This comes up to 13% of the increased company’s main stock. 

By end of September Viktoria-finans (SPV-company of GK “Viktoriya”) will place an obligation loan a 3 billion rubles. The company’s money is needed to increase the turnover capital.

Payless, one of the major Americal shoe networks, is entering the Russian market: Alshaya Group from Kuwait (Starbucks, Mothercare, The Body Shop, etc.) received an exclusive franchise for developing the brand. The retailer plans to open about 150 cheap shoe stores by 2015.

Strellson, a network of Swiss male clothes, is entering the Moscow market with a new concept and great ambitions. On August, 15th the Swiss company Strellson opened its first brand store Strellson Sportswear at the shopping center “Mega – Belaya Datcha” in Moscow.


The company Proteck and apothecary stores 36,6 signed an agreement at the conditions of paying off the retailer’s sister structures a 95 million rubles.

From September, 1st the Russian Railroads started to demolish shops at the railroad stations. According to the company’s representative, that’s how the railroad authorities are fighting with the retail criminal. However, the experts mention another aims – the Russian Railroads are extending.


Banana-mama, a network of child facilities, which denies any connection with its formed supplier Torgoviy Dom “Trial” Ltd. (now under the bankruptcy process), turned out to be among its creditors. Almost half of the Trial’s total debt a 3827 billion rubles comes up to Banana-mama – 1835 billion rubles. It will be difficult for Banana-mama to recover its debts: the network might be excluded from the creditors’ registry in case its connection with the wholesaler is proved.


Part of the trade pavilions from the Cherkizovskiy market, now being demolished in Izmailovo, will be moved to Veshnyaki. The new owner of business-center Kosinskaya Plaza is ready to accept the sellers from the Cherckizovskiy market. He intends to transform this center into the trading one. According to the information from several market members, the deal contractor is one of Zakhar Iliev’s structures, who controls the trade complexes Moskva and Evropeiskiy. 

The sellers from the Cherkizovskiy market complain that thousands of trade places are robbed at billions rubles, and the citizens from Lyublino region complain that Moskva, which earlier was just a shopping center, now turned out to be a new Cherkizovskiy market. The major shopping point of the sellers ousted from the Cherkizovskiy market might also be placed at the intersection of MKAD and Kaluzhskoe highway. The territory a 150 hectares is under the control of Letschikov brothers, half of the land is taken by the building materials fair Melnitsa. The market owners plan to build a megacomplex like Hermitage of the size a 1.5 million square meters. The Chinese are holding the negotiations of renting the market places and taking part in the project.

Last week Jin Yuan and the Russian Chinese Center of the Trade and Economic Cooperation signed an agreement of establishing the international network of the trade and logistic complexes Eurasia. Within the limits of this agreement the company plans either to purchase the finished trade and logistic centers or to build the new ones in Russia.


The special action of Eldorado network became the sale of the week. During the computer sale there was such a crush, that several persons got injured, two young men were sent to hospital with injures. It was found out that those who preferred notebooks a 9999 rubles were even lucky. The retailer history has got several cases with lethal outcomes among the fighters for the sale products. 


A new edition of Retailer magazine was issued last week. The main topics of Retailer magazine No.3 (16) 2009 are: how to entice a buyer, what’s the age of sex-shopping, what Alexander Malis thinks about the market and Dmitry Potapenko about the Russian retailers’ mistakes.

This week Alexei Iovlev, the general director of SBR corporation (Metrika network), started publishing the American explanatory dictionary of retail and merchandising in the NOTES section. Apart explanations of some special notions, you can also find simple formulae on plain management of the trade business.

Retailer.ru has also received some new sections. In the section “Past and Retail” you can learn about the last-year events in this industry.

The digest was prepared by Retailer.RU and was translated by iTrex company. Itrex is a translation bureau. It offers written and oral translation, notary certification and a lot more. Itrex does work with every language: European, Eastern languages and others. Itrex does work with every topic: technical, legal, financial, business, etc.

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