The news that the company “X5 Retail Group” was going to open its own meat and fish freeze manufactories was the hit of the first week of August. The group is planning to launch the first manufactory in Moscow in November.

On Monday the supermarket “Perekrestok” situated in Osenniy bolevard that became famous throughout the country after Vladimir Putin visited it quickly turned into the place of attack on Russian retail. This very supermarket was visited by the chief sanitary officer Gennadiy Onischenko and the head of Russian Fisheries Andrey Krayniy.

After visiting the supermarket Andrey Krayniy claimed that one kind of fish under the guise of another one is often sold to Russians. This fact is determined by crucial problems concerning the delivering of sea foods from producers to retail chains.

The head of Russian Fisheries also pointed out that the Moscow government was not eager to promote opening fish shops of the reatil chain “Ocean” in the capital or to provide small business with municipal buildings at a low rent rate for these purposes.

On the same day Lev Hasis tried to explain to consumers, or buyers, why there was so much “ice instead of fish” in his chain.

Then the representatives of the retail chain “Perekrestok” took the huff because the head of Russian Fisheries had washed their fish trade linen in public and decided to file lawsuit against him.

But after the meeting in the Department of Fisheries they managed to conduct quite an efficient meeting with the participation of the representatives of  Federal Service for Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare, fish industries and trade. Then retailers decided to assume a more constructive stance and not to bring the case to the court.


Last week the Moscow region division of the Federal Antimonopoly Service brought a suit against the retail chain “Ashan” on grounds of their violating the federal law “About advertising”. It was noticed that the posters in the selling area of these hypermarkets contained unstatuable images of products.

It became known that the new shop of the Finnish retailer “Prisma” was to open in St Petersburg on the area that was bought from the developer Managing Company “Adamant”. It will start up already in August 2009.

The second Russian hypermarket “Karfur” will open in the shopping centre “Galaxy” in Krasnodar on the 2nd of September this year.


The chain of household appliances and electronics “M Video” is going to complete a partnership agreement with the cell phone company “MegaPhone”. In this case its shops will have shop-in-shops of the operator, and each sold contract will bring it about $20.

The owners of the group of companies SV Vacheslav and Victor Zaycev put in pawn 49% of the chain of household appliances and electronics “Tehnosila” to the MDM bank, which owns 50% of the group liabilities. At first it was suggested that the credit for $161 million would be secured only by the real estate and inventory of “Tehnosila”, but after analysing their cost the bank considered it to be insufficient.

The Arbitral court of Moscow introduced the watching procedure in the CJSC “Betalink” that had incorporated about 650 mobile shops under the brand “Betalink” at the end of 2009. The company filed bankruptcy in March, 2009.

On October, 2, 2009 the Arbitral court of Moscow will consider an application of “Sobinbank” concerning the introduction of wathcing procedure in the company “Dixis market” belonging to the group of companies “Dixis”. Multimillion lawsuits have already been filed against the retailer both by “Sobinbank” and other loaners, amiong which there are “Master-bank”, “Unicredit Bank”, “Uralsib”, “Nomos-bank”, “Alfa-bank”.

New information appeared on the case of “Euroset”. Its former vice-president Boris Levin got another accusation on the count of abbrochment, and its ex-coowner Evgeniy Chichvarkin is still under examination.


The operators of the “Big Three” failed to reach an agreement with the “Apple” on the conditions of  purchase of “iPhone” yet, that’s why its entrance to the market that was planned for August, 2009 is now postponed.

But even now the cell operator “MegaPhone” has started getting rid of unsold iPhones 3G wth the storage space of 8Gb and selling them cheaper than their cost value is. From the 1st till 8th of August one can buy them just for 9,900 rubles in the shops “M Video”, though they used to cost 21,000 rubles and after expert judgement the operator itself purchases them at a price of about 18,000 rubles.


The merge of the St Petersburg DIY-chain “Metrica” and the trading house “Vimos” that had failed this spring prodded the retailers to independent development. The trading house “Vimos” developing the DIY-chain in Leningrad region is planning to open small shops of household products under the same brand. The “Corporation SBR” promoting retail chains “Stroybaza Rybinskaya” and “Metrica” decided to set in operation a plant, 50% production of which will be marketed through DIY-chains, retail shops and construction depots.


The trade act wasn’t accepted last week, but retail chains have already started preparing for the new rules of the game. The largest retailers are excluding forbidden payments from their sale agreements, but are going to transfer some of them into contracts for additional services.

The consumers cooperative society is planning to raise the price of a chain of village shops. Ulianovsk region was chosen as the pilot region for the project. By October 16 shops are due to open there under the brand “KOOP”. Then this experience can be spread throughout  the country.


The new details concerning the closureof  the market Cherkizovskiy appeared last week. It has become known that the sellers from the closed market are moving to other Moscow markets, though the rent rates rose many times there and reach almost 500,000 rubles for a trade outlet a month.

But the market “Cherkizovskiy” was not the only one to suffer these repressions. “There will be now illegal selling of substandard and fake products in the shopping centre “Moscow” in the area of Lublino”, the prefect of the South-East Municipal District Vladimir Zotov said.

But while the officials were celebrating their victory over the market “Cherkizovskiy”, the project of its substitution was already under way. The owners of the market in Balashiha, that is in Moscow region, called it “The New Cherkizovskiy”.


It has become known what the essence of the claims of the perfume chain “Arbat Prestige” owner Vladimir Nekrasov, who was released from prison not long ago, to the operating company of the holding LLC “Arbat and Co” is. But the “Nomos-bank” voiced a couple of remarks to his documents during the hearing of the Arbitral court last week.

The head department of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia in Central federal district repeatedly submitted to the General Prosecutor Office for confirmation the criminal case concerning tax evasion by Vladimir Nekrasov and Sergey Shnaider.

To pay the loaners of the “Arbat Prestige” bailiffs arrested not only the real estate, but also one of the trademarks of the retail chain.

The JSC “Arbat Prestige”, the holding company of the so named perfume holding and the owner of its trademarks, filed for bankruptcy. The claim of the “Arbat Prestige” was submitted to court after the largest creditor banks of the holding did not allow its owner Vladimir Nekrasov to gain control over the on-going bankruptcy process of the subsidiary of the chain that accumulated its debts. Regarding the present situation lawyers consider bankruptcy of the whole holding inevitable, but point out that it will be possible to restore business on the basis of its assets. 

The digest was prepared by Retailer.RU and was translated by iTrex company. Itrex is a translation bureau. It offers written and oral translation, notary certification and a lot more. Itrex does work with every language: European, Eastern languages and others. Itrex does work with every topic: technical, legal, financial, business, etc.

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